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At Comic Relief, we have a proud history of tackling gender inequality in the UK and across the world. We passionately believe in our vision to create a just world free from poverty for everyone and that starts here by ensuring that all staff are treated equally within our own organisation.
For 2019, Comic Relief’s mean gender pay gap is 3.7% and its median gender pay gap is 5.00%. A significant reduction on 2018.
We remain a 71% female organisation with high female representation throughout the organisation particularly at the executive and junior levels. We have increased the percentage of male employees in the lower quartile through recruitment and continue to work to reduce the pay gap overall.
We shall put into practice the relevant actions recommended by the Government Equalities Office.
This is Comic Relief’s report for the snapshot date of 5 April 2019.
The mean gender pay gap for Comic Relief is 3.7%
The median gender pay gap for Comic Relief is 5.00%.
Quartiles % |
Males | Females |
Upper |
28 |
72 |
Upper middle |
37 |
63 |
Lower middle |
26 |
74 |
Lower |
26 |
74 |
We do not pay bonuses.